We are sad to announce that our founder, John J. Munera, Jr., passed away peacefully at home on August 2nd. surrounded by his loving family.
John, "Jack" was a hard-working family man from Riverton, NJ who later located to Blue Bell, PA. He was active in his youth with sports and enjoyed history. He was a community leader in the church and with the Scouts. Jack had a taste for fine wine and food, including his favorite cocktail, the Old-Fashioned. He started Heritage in the late 1960's selling paint brushes and brooms; in fact, we still sell to the first account he acquired. He was a hard worker who would take his kids on sales calls, showing them the business side of life. He was a face-to-face salesman who got orders by handshake and would call them in to his wife, Jeanette, who would enter them. Everything was hand-written, unlike today, and Jack and Jeanette would work together either out of their home or in a small office/warehouse space they rented. As the time passed, the customer list grew and the business expanded. Jeanette still works with Heritage today and his third son, Matthew, will now become the owner and carry on the work ethic that Jack had. Jack had a way of selling products to people based on the quality of the product and was great at sourcing those products to ensue a cost-savings to the end user.
His smile and sense of humor will be missed. Thank you, our customers, for supporting Jack and Heritage throughout the years. We hope to continue to carry on his legacy of hard work.